Genesis: A Parsha Companion, Exodus: A Parsha Companion, and Leviticus: A Parsha Companion, by David Fohrman; Asking Better Questions of the Bible, by Marty Solomon

Review by Jon C. Olson   The books under review adopt a common approach to Torah study. Marty Solomon was a student of Rabbi Fohrman. Rabbi David Fohrman Rabbi Fohrman presents an approach to learning Torah based upon close reading of Scripture in concert with Midrash. I find him fresh and engaging. Genesis,1 Exodus,2 and…

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Self-Identity after Supersessionism: My Story

Introduction The Bible presents a role for the body and sexuality within which Messiah-followers are called to serve God. They can flourish either as celibates or as sexually active within marriage between a man and a woman. I have a stake in teaching this ethic, since I have tried to live by it. Despite costs…

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An Approach to Transgender Issues

If you swim to rescue a drowning person, they may put you in a headlock and try to climb onto you in an effort to keep their head above water. You should not fight to break loose or compete for breaths. Rather, you should dive. They will release you to stay on the surface. You…

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Post-supersessionist Analogy between Welcoming Gentiles in Scripture and Homosexual Persons Today

Introduction During the last half century, sexual standards and behaviors in the West have changed dramatically: increased use of contraception, living together without marriage, delaying of marriage, increased divorce, childbearing absent a lasting relationship with the father, redefinition of marriage, and increased approval of casual abortion, casual sex, cross-dressing and other behaviors previously considered unacceptable.…

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Book Review: Bible Gender Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships by James V. Brownson

James Brownson’s Bible, Gender, Sexuality has gained a prominent place in church debates about homoerotic behavior. Brownson asserts that a revisionist view affirming same-sex unions can be just as biblical as the traditional view. However, his major premise is suspect. As Andrew Goddard puts it: Brownson has a commitment ‘to establish a wider, transcultural vision…

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Paul within Messiah, Torah, and Judaism

Paul’s allegiance to Yeshua (Jesus) is often thought to have impelled him to break with Judaism and the Torah (Law).  This article advances a contrary position to the traditional view, maintaining that Paul remained within Judaism.  In writing about circumcision, Sabbath, Jewish dietary laws and meat offered to idols, Paul accepted the authority of Scripture…

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Gentile Yeshua-Believers Praying in the Synagogue: Why and How

Introduction I have been praying in the synagogue for more than twenty-five years-yet I am not Jewish. This essay explains in both theoretical and practical terms how and why Gentile Yeshua-believers may pray the traditional Jewish liturgy in the company of Jews. It is with a measure of trepidation that I discuss how Jewish and…

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