Kesher is now hosting regular online discussions with authors of our recent articles.

Session 4

Online Session 4 - Russ Resnik in conversation with four younger Messianic Jewish leaders discussing Jewish continuity within the Messianic Jewish community.
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Session 3

Online Session 3 - Editor Russ Resnik in conversation with Judith Mendelsohn Rood, followed by a lively Q & A session.
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Session 2

Editor Russ Resnik in conversation with Edjan Westerman, zooming in from Amsterdam to discuss his Kesher 41 article, "Presence and Involvement: The Pre-incarnate Messiah in the History of Israel," followed by a lively Q & A session.
Subscribe to Kesher to join the discussions live online.
Session 1

Editor Russ Resnik is joined by authors Elliot Klayman, Rich Nichol, and Stuart Dauermann, in a lively discussion based on the Kesher 40 three-part article, "Tomorrow Together."
Subscribe to Kesher to join the discussions live online.

Editor Russ Resnik is joined by authors Elliot Klayman, Rich Nichol, and Stuart Dauermann, in a lively discussion based on the Kesher 40 three-part article, "Tomorrow Together."
Subscribe to Kesher to join the discussions live online.

In This Issue

The Narrow Wider Hope

The Issues At Hand - Defining Perspectives on Afterlife and Salvation It has been very important to me to teach on the meaning of salvation from what I call a "Gospel of the Kingdom" perspective. Salvation is a concept that is far richer than going to heaven when we die, as important as that may…

What Is The Gospel We Should Be Commending -To All Israel In These Times Of Transition?

I was about ten years old the first time somebody called me a Christ-killer. I had just come out of Morris Schaeffer's candy store, on the corner of Winthrop Street and Nostrand Avenue, in Flatbush, Brooklyn. A bunch of kids whom I had never met before jumped me, pummeling me to the ground, while making…

Those Who Do Not Obey the Good News of Our Lord Yeshua

Does the New Testament limit inclusion in the life to come to those who profess faith in the person and work of Yeshua? Those who would answer yes to this question might be termed restrictivists. Those who would answer no might be termed inclusivists.[1] The way I see the New Testament doctrine of salvation is…

Final Destinies: Qualifications for Receiving an Eschatological Inheritance

In What Does It Mean To Be Saved?, Regent College professor John Stackhouse points to a misunderstanding of salvation that he sees as endemic in the evangelical world: In his gracious but penetrating response to the essays in this volume, Oxford professor John Webster wonders whether it is particularly North American evangelicals who need to…

Shavuot and its Impact upon a Messianic Soteriology

Recent discussions within Messianic Judaism have addressed various aspects of soteriology.  Unfortunately, the relationship between Shavuot and the Messianic view of salvation is often missing from the dialogue.  Yet, in Luke-Acts, the events on Shavuot are the culmination of Messiah's redemptive work.  Therefore, this paper will explore the significance in the arrival of the Spirit…

Salvation and the People of Israel – Harmonizing a Soteriological Dilema

When we try to discuss the topic of soteriology and the people of Israel, we are faced with a problem. Soteriology is a Christian concept, discussed in Christian theology and is part of Christian dogma. The word "soteriology" is commonly defined as the study of the doctrine of salvation. It discusses how Messiah's death provides…

The Condition of Salvation – For Jews and Gentiles in this Age

The purpose of this article is to answer the question, "Exactly what must one do to be saved?" According to the Scriptures, what is it that a person must do to be saved? The key point as emphasized by the Brit Chadashah is that faith is the one and only condition for salvation. In more…

The Essential Need for Salvation through Messiah Yeshua

Written by Avram Aumick, Ralph Finley, Elliot Klayman and Howard Silverman* Sin separates humanity from God and the world to come. The mystery of salvation lies solely with God who has revealed only one way to enjoy right-relationship with God now and in the world to come. That way is personal, conscious faith (in this…

Book Review

David Brondos, Fortress Introduction to Salvation and the Cross

(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007.) In Fortress Introduction to Salvation and the Cross, David Brondos, Professor of Theology at the Theological Community of Mexico, surveys soteriological constructs ranging from the book of Isaiah to 21st century theologian Rosemary Radford Reuther. Brondos' writing style is clear and readable, and while his treatment of biblical voices at times…

Book Review

David Berger, The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference

(Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2001.)  Without a doubt, the central argument of David Berger's The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference will strike a Messianic Jew differently than your average Orthodox rabbi or layperson, who are presumably Berger's intended audience. For many of us, a particular line of…

Guidelines for Healthy Theological Discussion

When I was asked to speak on the subject of guidelines for healthy theological discussion, the story of Michael Wyschogrod's meeting with Karl Barth came to mind.* As a little background, Michael Wyschogrod is an Orthodox Jewish theologian who lives in New York City. Karl Barth was a Swiss Reformed theologian and one of the…

Book Review

Peterson, Eugene H, The Jesus Way: A Conversation on the Ways that Jesus is the Way

(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007.) I will start with a disclaimer - I'm biased toward Eugene Peterson. The first article I read by him was "The Unbusy Pastor," back in 1981,[1] and it remains a favorite, even if I am still not as unbusy as Peterson would recommend. The article opens with a classic Peterson…

From the Editor – Issue 22

This edition of Kesher is a themed issue dedicated to soteriology in the context of Messianic Judaism. The theme of soteriology is timely, since there are two Messianic events that deal with this issue. The first is the Borough Park Symposium (October, 2007) and the second is a Theological Forum on Soteriology hosted by the…

Book Review

Sholem Asch, One Destiny: an Epistle to the Christians

(trans. by Milton Hindus; New York: G.P.  Putnam's Sons, 1945,  88 pp.) Sholem Asch was among the most beloved writers in Yiddish literature for the thirty or more years leading up to the Second World War. Encouraged by the great Yiddish writer I.L. Peretz and vigorously promoted by Abraham Cahan in the Forverts, Asch gained…