Kesher is now hosting regular online discussions with authors of our recent articles.

Session 4

Online Session 4 - Russ Resnik in conversation with four younger Messianic Jewish leaders discussing Jewish continuity within the Messianic Jewish community.
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Session 3

Online Session 3 - Editor Russ Resnik in conversation with Judith Mendelsohn Rood, followed by a lively Q & A session.
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Session 2

Editor Russ Resnik in conversation with Edjan Westerman, zooming in from Amsterdam to discuss his Kesher 41 article, "Presence and Involvement: The Pre-incarnate Messiah in the History of Israel," followed by a lively Q & A session.
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Session 1

Editor Russ Resnik is joined by authors Elliot Klayman, Rich Nichol, and Stuart Dauermann, in a lively discussion based on the Kesher 40 three-part article, "Tomorrow Together."
Subscribe to Kesher to join the discussions live online.

Editor Russ Resnik is joined by authors Elliot Klayman, Rich Nichol, and Stuart Dauermann, in a lively discussion based on the Kesher 40 three-part article, "Tomorrow Together."
Subscribe to Kesher to join the discussions live online.

In This Issue

From the Editor – Issue 21

The Summer/Fall 2006 edition of Kesher is a theme issue dedicated to outreach in the context of Messianic Judaism. Some articles focus on the biblical teachings and theology of outreach, while others center on the practical outworking of outreach. All the articles take into account the individual and communal dimensions of outreach and provide insight…

Abraham, Hospitality Man

(This article is based on a message given at the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregation's annual conference in 2006.) On the Jewish calendar, today is Shabbat Chazon, the Sabbath before the 9th of Av. On Shabbat Chazon, it is traditional to reflect on the reasons for the destruction of the two Temples. Why were they…

Say to the Cities of Judah, “Behold your God” – The Hebrew Bible, Outreach and Messianic Judaism

Messianic Judaism[1] is currently undergoing a reappraisal of its modes and philosophy of outreach. In some sectors of the movement, traditional paradigms of evangelistic outreach are being reaffirmed.[2] In other sectors new paradigms about the nature of Messianic Judaism and outreach are being developed.[3] This climate of reevaluation provides an opportunity to revisit old biblical…

Postmissionary Messianic Jewish Outreach

Missionary statesman and missiologist Lesslie Newbigin suggests we think of mission as "an action in which the Holy Spirit does new things, and brings into being new obedience."1 This dynamic insight challenges those who name the name of Yeshua to ask what new thing the Holy Spirit is doing today and what new obedience he…

Outreach and Jewish Missions in the 21st Century

The reflections in this paper represent my personal pilgrimage in the wonderful field of traditional Jewish missions. Yes, missions. I believe we might be post certain aspects associated with traditional Jewish missions, but there are still many wonderful things being done for Yeshua by Jewish missions. This would include the planting of Messianic congregations in…

Outreach In Israel

It would be very interesting to do an objective survey on outreach in Israel with all the proper sociological-statistical controls. To my knowledge, there has been no such survey, only a statistical study on Israeli Messianic Jewish congregations by Kai Kjaer-Hansen that is already quite dated.1 In lieu of such a survey, I will have…

Indigenous Expressions of Biblical Faith

The nation of Israel was originally established having already from the outset a primary destiny and calling to bless and be a light to the nations . This destiny and calling is evident in each of the covenants made with Israel . It is not merely a relic of our past, but a very real…

Messianic Jewish Outreach: Reaching Out Or Reaching In?

Messianic Judaism[1] has always been committed to outreach, and it is outreach that is often defined as the primary purpose for the existence of Messianic Jewish congregations and ministries. This heavy emphasis on outreach to fellow Jews, and pooling resources that further this cause, has long been a core value of Jewish believers. Since its…

Outreach On Long Island

Being effective in Jewish outreach is not a strategy; it is a lifestyle. Genuine care and concern for others is the foundation for sharing the good news about Messiah. Flipping the Paradigm Nassau County on Long Island is home to about 330,000 Jewish people. The vast majority of those-85 percent or more by some estimates-are…

Book Review

John W. Miller, How The Bible Came To Be: Exploring The Narrative And Message

(Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2004. 188 PP.) John W. Miller, professor emeritus at Conrad Grebel University College/ University of Waterloo in Ontario and author of The Origins of the Bible: Rethinking Canon History, 1 has produced a simple proposal with broad implications in How the Bible Came to Be . The latter book was drafted…

Book Review

Daniel Gruber, The Separation Of Church & Faith, Volume 1:Copernicus And The Jews

(Hanover, Nh: Elijah, 2005. 332 PP.) Reviewed by Jonathan Kaplan, M.Div., M.A., A.M. and Noel Rabinowitz, Ph.D. Daniel Gruber's recent work, The Separation of Church & Faith, Volume 1: Copernicus and the Jews, provides us with a fascinating and controversial discussion of a subject that the vast majority of Christians take for granted as an…